On 03/11/2015 11:54 AM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
Hey every one
I have a question I know at least once in the past i setup the admin
console so it could utilize Kerberos passwords based on a howto I
found once which after I changed jobs I could never find again.

today I was looking for something else and I saw a mention on the site
about httpd needing to be compiled with http auth support.
well I did a little digging and I found this file

in that file I found a lot of entries that look like this
<LocationMatch /*/[tT]asks/[Cc]onfiguration/*>
   AuthUserFile /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/admpw
   AuthType basic
   AuthName "Admin Server"
   Require valid-user
   AdminSDK on
   ADMCgiBinDir /usr/lib64/dirsrv/cgi-bin
   NESCompatEnv on
   Options +ExecCGI
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

when I checked /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/admpw sure enough I found the
Password hash for the admin user.

So my question is before I wast time experimenting could it possibly
be as simple as changing the auth type to kerberos

I don't know.  I don't think anyone has ever tried it.

keep in mind my Kerberos Servers do not use LDAP as the backend.
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