
I want to run the ds tests from ds/dirsrvtests/suites/dynamic-plugins.

At the moment I can do this with:

cd ds/dirsrvtests/suites/dynamic-plugins
PYTHONPATH=/home/wililam/development/389ds/lib389 PREFIX=/srv py.test

And this tests "all" of the directory server tests in the directory.

However, If I want to run just one test, the following happens:

PYTHONPATH=/home/wililam/development/389ds/lib389 PREFIX=/srv py.test -k
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.8 -- py-1.4.26 -- pytest-2.6.4
collected 2 items 

2 tests deselected by '-ktest_mep'

So I can't actually just test these individual components.

Is there something I am missing here? What's the best way to run single
tests out of dynamic-plugins?

William <will...@firstyear.id.au>

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