On 01/13/2016 11:59 PM, Noriko Hosoi wrote:
On 01/13/2016 02:34 PM, Mark Reynolds wrote:

On 01/13/2016 10:01 AM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
Ticket 48380 requires that sync repl handles database reinitializations properly, to be able to determine if cookies are presented are valid. To achieve this plugins need to be able to detcet if the database is imported or restored and this is tarcked in ticket 48402.

Before implementing a fix, I would like to get feedback on the design: http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/design/detect-startup-after-import-or-restore.html
The design looks good to me. I really like the use of the "db event" file(like the guardian file).

I also think it's nicely designed.

2 questions... Who deletes the file and at what timing?
the file should be deleted immediately after it is read and the flag set, so the "restore" file at the same time the gurduian file is read and the "import" file in ldbm:start_instance
If the file failed to be created or is deleted manually, what happens?
If it fails to be created, it can be at least logged, but then the server would not know that it was restored or imported - or, write the import/restore file at the beginning of import/restore and if fails, then don't do the restore/import.

If someone deletes the file manually, this is at the deleter's own risk


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