The 389 Directory Server team have decided that in the interest of
maintenance and to keep with the direction of the project, to merge the
source code of Nunc Stans into the 389 DS repository.

This software will be found in the following location after this change: 

The repository for Nunc Stans will be preserved for historical reasons,
with the "master" commit being a single README explaining where Nunc
Stans can now be found.

-- For developers of Directory Server:

You no longer need to build external nunc-stans and related components.
They will be part of the Directory Server build process. You should
remove your references to nunc-stans and it's repository. You may wish
to remove* from your library paths where you make
install into. 

-- For maintainers of Directory Server:

Nunc Stans was not considered ready for versions of DS 1.3.5 and lower.
We have decided to make it the default event handler in DS 1.3.6. This
merge of Nunc Stans with DS will take place for the DS 1.3.6 release. No
configuration of Directory Server is needed to enable this change.

This means you do not need to add or maintain extra libraries for
Directory Server in your distributions. Nunc Stans will come as part of
our source code in DS, and will automatically be built and installed
during the make process. Patches will be considered "whole" units that
encapsulate any fix to Nunc Stans and Directory Server kept in

You will need to ensure your platform package builds correctly include
the extra libraries in the system shared library directory.

-- For developers consuming Nunc Stans:

Nunc Stans lower than 0.2.1 are not considered to be stable, and should
not be used.

Directory Server 1.3.6 will contain what was "0.2.2". In order to
continue to use this, you should use the 389 Directory Server source, or
depend on your distribution's 389-ds-base-libs package or similar. It is
recommended that you use the distributed nunc-stans pkgconfig
information in your build process to correctly detect and include this

-- For Directory Server admins using Nunc Stans

Nunc Stans lower than 0.2.1 are not considered to be stable, and should
not be used with Directory Server. We advise upgrade to Directory Server
1.3.6 immediately if you are using this configuration.

Directory Server 1.3.6 will contain what was "0.2.2". It is enabled by
default, so there is no more configuration option for enable/disable of
this feature. In the future our existing poll() based mechanism will be

If you have questions about this change, please contact the team on the
developer mailing list (



William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane

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