It worked!

I wrote fs.suid_dumpable=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf, `sysctl -p` and restarted dirsrv. Now it dumps.

Thank you!

I will report here the backtrace when it occurs.

        Dael Maselli.

On 07/09/10 19.44, Ulf Weltman wrote:
On 9/7/2010 8:25 AM, Dael Maselli wrote:
Hi Rich,

On 07/09/10 16.56, Rich Megginson wrote:
Do you see seg fault messages in /var/log/messages?
Sure: ns-slapd[13737]: segfault at 00000000000000bc rip 0000003abb420375
rsp 00000000580d85d0 error 4

The directory server dumps core in the log file directory, which by
default is /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE
Yes, it is the same as working directory:
# ls -l /proc/`pidof ns-slapd`/cwd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 7 17:12 /proc/18721/cwd ->

Is the crash easily reproducible?
No, it isn't. It seems random, but I can simulate a crash with kill

I tried killing a simple `sleep 10`:

# ulimit -c unlimited

# sleep 10&
[1] 19726

# kill -QUIT 19726
[1]+ Quit (core dumped) sleep 10

# ls -l core.*
-rw------- 1 root root 290816 Aug 31 08:52 core.1008

But if I kill -QUIT ns-slapd no file is created.
ns-slapd typically runs as setuid to a non-root user. Check what
fs.suid_dumpable or kernel.suid_dumpable are set to.
Dael Maselli.

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Dael Maselli  ---  INFN-LNF Computing Service  --  +39.06.9403.2214

            * Il Buco Nero * *

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch

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