On 11/29/2010 11:18 PM, brandon wrote:

> A more direct question: what is the easiest way for me to pull the
> latest RHEL-5 stable source as an RPM and its dependencies and sources,
> if I'm not on a RHEL-5 host?

Shortest answer: http://lists.baseurl.org/mailman/listinfo/yum

Shorter answer: Yum will attempt to obtain files from whatever 
repository you tell it to use.  If you want to download files from an 
RHEL 5 repo, all you you need to do is configure said repo and tell Yum 
to use it.

As an addendum, you might be particularly interested in "yumdownloader", 
which is a tool for downloading packages (including source RPMs) without 
actually installing them.

Daniel Maher <dma + 389users AT witbe DOT net>
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