On Gio, 4 Agosto 2011 9:54 am, Andrea Modesto Rossi wrote:
> On Mer, 3 Agosto 2011 8:21 pm, Rich Megginson wrote:
>> See
>> http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/8.2/html-single/Administration_Guide/index.html#Managing_Replication-Replicating-Password-Attributes
> It works now. Thank you veru much Rich.
> have a nice day

Unfortunately i have a strange issue, because if i try to login to ServerA
with wrong password then passwordRetryCount change from 0 to 1 in all my 3
LDAP Server (replication is OK) but the same operation on ServerB ( su -
<user> with wrong password) does not provide any change on
passwordRetryCount (always == 1). This happen with ssh,  and local login
as well!

Having 3 server with Multi_Master[1] replica i have changed this entry on
all Servers:

dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: passwordIsGlobalPolicy
passwordIsGlobalPolicy: on

Any idea?

Thank you very much

[1] Replica:Agreement Schema: ServerA-->ServerB

Andrea Modesto Rossi
Fedora Ambassador

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