On 08/23/2011 07:22 AM, Roberto Polli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm playing with the changeType: modrdn command, and I got the following
> issue.
> 1- I want to copy a subtree in another location:
> source: ou=People,dc=top
> dest: ou=PeopleBak,dc=top
> 2- I can move it with
> changeType: modrdn
> newrdn: ou=PeopleBak
> deleteoldrdn: 0
> 3- I would expect that "deleteOldRdn:0" would leave the old "ou=People" at its
> place. While "deleteOldRdn: 1" should remove it.
> Do you have any hint?
Yes.  You can't use modrdn to copy a subtree.  The deleteOldRdn flag is 
for the _attribute value only_, not the entire subtree rooted at that DN.
> Peace,
> R.

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