Hi Team,

We are trying to install 389 ds server in Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 edition. we
followed the doc from the site "
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FedoraDirectoryServer"; . In that site,
they have specified the following url,

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-389-directory-server/ppa/ubuntu/
karmic maindeb-src
karmic main.

Once if added the above Url in the Sources list, we can easily install 389
ds entire server in the Ubuntu server edition.but now a days this link may
be down  and there is no alternative links. i have searched in google but,
no luck.Please let me know alternative link for the URL's or is there any
other way we can install complete 389 ds server,fedors-idm-console,etc.

Please help me on this

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