Stdin, problem is even new users cant register anymore. Not just existing
ones..will tset your suggestion

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:13 PM, Jim Finn <> wrote:

> Are you doing this via an ldif file or stdin?
> Try
> echo -e "dn: uid=username,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local\nchangetype:
> delete\ndelete: lastLoginTime\n\n" | ldapmodify -x -h yourhost
> -D"cn=directory manager" -wPaSsWoRd
> Jim
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Rich Megginson <>wrote:
>>  On 05/09/2012 10:09 AM, Ali Jawad wrote:
>> Hi Rich
>> Seems I still got a problem, the users can't logon anymore, I did try to
>>  dn: uid=username,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local
>> changetype: delete
>> delete: lastLoginTime
>>  But I keep getting
>>  ldapmodify: extra lines at end (line 3 of entry
>> "uid=username,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local")
>>  I checked for whitespaces, extra lines..but still same issue
>>  I did also check for lastLoginTime values in the users in the
>> interface, but the value is not sure if this is the problem at all
>> does ldapmodify -d 1 give any more useful information?
>>  Regards
>>  On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Ali Jawad <>wrote:
>>> Hi Rich
>>> Your help is highly appreciated, I got it working, thanks for your
>>> patience.
>>> Regards
>>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Rich Megginson <>wrote:
>>>>  On 05/09/2012 08:17 AM, Ali Jawad wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Thanks Rich, just what I was searching for, I am facing a problem
>>>> though "ldapmodify: No such object (32) matched DN: dc=domain,dc=local"at :
>>>> [user@server ~]$ ldapmodify *-a* -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret -p 
>>>> 389 -h -x
>>>> dn: cn=Account Inactivation Policy,dc=example,dc=com
>>>> objectClass: top
>>>> objectClass: ldapsubentry
>>>> objectClass: extensibleObject*objectClass: 
>>>> accountpolicy**accountInactivityLimit: 2592000*
>>>> cn: Account Inactivation Policy
>>>>  I am doing
>>>>  [root@386-100-16 dirsrv]# ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w
>>>> password  -p 389 -h x.x.x.x   -x
>>>>  dn: cn=Account Inactivation Policy,dc=domain,dc=local
>>>> objectClass: top
>>>> objectClass: ldapsubentry
>>>> objectClass: extensibleObject
>>>> objectClass: accountpolicy
>>>> accountInactivityLimit: 2592000
>>>> cn: Account Inactivation Policy
>>>> modifying entry "cn=Account Inactivation Policy,dc=domain,dc=local"
>>>>  ldapmodify: No such object (32)
>>>>         matched DN: dc=domain,dc=local
>>>> Right.  You are missing the ldapmodify -a - see the original
>>>> instructions
>>>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Rich Megginson <>wrote:
>>>>>   On 05/09/2012 07:45 AM, Ali Jawad wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I have a requirement to disable inactive users after 90 days. I did
>>>>> read
>>>>> but I am not sure whether this is a design proposal or the
>>>>> actual implementation.
>>>>>  My DS version is :
>>>>>  rpm -qa | grep 389
>>>>> 389-admin-console-1.1.8-1.el5
>>>>> 389-ds-base-
>>>>> 389-dsgw-1.1.7-2.el5
>>>>> 389-console-1.1.7-3.el5
>>>>> 389-adminutil-1.1.14-1.el5
>>>>> 389-admin-1.1.23-1.el5
>>>>> 389-admin-console-doc-1.1.8-1.el5
>>>>> 389-ds-1.2.1-1.el5
>>>>> 389-ds-base-libs-
>>>>> 389-ds-console-1.2.6-1.el5
>>>>> 389-ds-console-doc-1.2.6-1.el5
>>>>>  I got
>>>>>  [root@386-100-16 dirsrv]# ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Directory manager" -w
>>>>> Password -b "cn=config" -s base lastLoginTime
>>>>> # extended LDIF
>>>>> #
>>>>> # LDAPv3
>>>>> # base <cn=config> with scope baseObject
>>>>> # filter: (objectclass=*)
>>>>> # requesting: lastLoginTime
>>>>> #
>>>>>  # config
>>>>> dn: cn=config
>>>>>  # search result
>>>>> search: 2
>>>>> result: 0 Success
>>>>>  # numResponses: 2
>>>>> # numEntries: 1
>>>>>  and
>>>>>  [root@386-100-16 dirsrv]# grep -i lastlogintime
>>>>> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-386-100-16/schema/*
>>>>> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-386-100-16/schema/60acctpolicy.ldif:## lastLoginTime
>>>>> holds login state in user entries (GeneralizedTime syntax)
>>>>> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-386-100-16/schema/60acctpolicy.ldif:attributeTypes:
>>>>> ( 2.16.840.1.113719. NAME 'lastLoginTime'
>>>>>  I am not sure how to implement this though, please advice.
>>>>>  Regards
>>>>> --
>>>>> 389 users mailing 
>>>>> list389-users@lists.fedoraproject.org
>>>>  --
>>>> *Ali Jawad
>>>> *
>>>> *Information Systems Manager*
>>>> *Splendor Telecom (
>>>> Beirut, Lebanon
>>>> Phone: +9611373725/ext 116
>>>> FAX: +9611375554*
>>>  --
>>> *Ali Jawad
>>> *
>>> *Information Systems Manager*
>>> *Splendor Telecom (
>>> Beirut, Lebanon
>>> Phone: +9611373725/ext 116
>>> FAX: +9611375554*
>>  --
>> *Ali Jawad
>> *
>> *Information Systems Manager*
>> *Splendor Telecom (
>> Beirut, Lebanon
>> Phone: +9611373725/ext 116
>> FAX: +9611375554*
>> --
>> 389 users mailing list
> --
> 389 users mailing list

*Ali Jawad
*Information Systems Manager*
*Splendor Telecom (
Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +9611373725/ext 116
FAX: +9611375554*
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