
have this Solaris 9 Box's worked with the old iPlanet DS?.
For the password you have to configure the /etc/pam.conf like described in the 
man pages:

$ man pam_ldap
it is different to Solaris10

I guess that Solaris needs also the VLV's for getentpwent, which can created by 
run /usr/lib/ldap/idsconfig.
You can use this script also for the 389DS if you fake the version check to the 
5.2 version (you can google for this).

BTW: If you use ldaps you must provide the CA' cert in an old cert7.db on the 
Solarsi9 Client.


Am 15.04.13 schrieb Elizabeth Jones  <bajo...@panix.com>:
> We are trying to move our servers off a very old version of iplanet (circa
> 2002) to 389 DS. The data in both ldaps is almost identical, except that
> there was some stuff in the iplanet that couldn't convert over to 389. I'm
> not sure exactly what wouldn't convert, except that I couldn't do an
> export of the iplanet database and import into 389, instead did an ldif.
> Everything we have converted so far (RHEL 4,5,6 and Solaris 10) has gone
> over successfully, but I'm running into problems with some old Solaris 9
> servers. They seem to be connecting successfully to the ldap, but not
> pulling back a password. getent passwd shows the list of users in the
> ldap, and I can su from root to my user account. When I have su'ed to my
> account, groups shows all the groups that I have in my ldap account on the
> new DS.
> I noticed this in the ldap logs, but I don't know what SolarisAuditUser
> means --
> [13/Apr/2013:23:42:07 -0500] conn=2042387 op=1 SRCH
> base="ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(&(object
> Class=SolarisAuditUser)(uid=ejones))" attrs="uid SolarisAuditAlways
> SolarisAuditNever"
> Is anyone familiar with this?
> thanks -
> EJ
> --
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