On 06/27/2013 06:13 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 06/27/2013 04:57 AM, Michael Lang wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to clarify how the procedure to "export -> LDIF" through the 389-console GUI is done (or how if reproduce should be done). As far as I've understood the exports on the server itself is done through creating a appropriate entry in cn=export,cn=task,cn=config For "remote" machines using the GUI this isn't valid as the nsFilename attribute requires a local write able location. What I've seen through looking at the LDAP protocol queries done during an export-to-ldif on console machine task is a query to the schema listing all attributeTypes which are then sent as attribute-retrieve-list in the ldap search. At least that's how I was able to reproduce the same LDIF from GUI-Console export and manually. Is this correct and should this be done in that way ? (I've noticed also the "Warning: If you don't have permissions" statement when using the LDIF export in the Console which more-or-less ack's my approach)

Right. There is no way to do a database export to LDIF to a remote file on a remote machine.

Are you trying to figure out a way to generate an LDIF file using ldapsearch that looks exactly like a database export LDIF file? Why?

reason for that, I might not have "file based" access on the server itself but need to do backup's of the database which are not "setup specific" (with setup specific I mean without the right database configurations I might not be able to import the content).

in this special case why I started to look into the ldif create, I had database backups but ran into a situation where my directory console was showing content but ldapsearch (and other tools/applications) where not getting any content at all. It was a strange situation and restoring the database trough restore didn't help where droping the databases and importing and LDIF was working (I still had another server running with the content). As mentioned above for the machines I have under complete access this shouldn't be the issue, but I also have other machines where I might be forced to do this through the LDAP protocol.

thanks for your response


thanks for any hint.


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