On 11/12/2014 01:59 PM, ghiureai wrote:

as per your advise I change the ldapsearch see below, still not working:

ldapsearch -x -LLL -o 'ldif-wrap=no' -h myhost.org.com -p 636 -D 'cn=directory manager' -w mypassw -b 'cn=mapping tree,cn=config' "(&(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)(nsDS5ReplicaHost=myhost1.org.com) (nsDS5ReplicaPort=636 dn nsds5ReplicaUpdateSchedule
Invalid general option name: ldif-wrap

Ok. Omit the "-o ldif-wrap=no" because it is not supported on your platform.

Instead, pipe the output to perl:  ldapsearch .... | perl -p0e 's/\n //g'

usage: ldapsearch [options] [filter [attributes...]]
  filter    RFC 4515 compliant LDAP search filter
  attributes    whitespace-separated list of attribute descriptions
    which may include:
      1.1   no attributes
      *     all user attributes
      +     all operational attributes
Search options:

On 11/12/2014 09:54 AM, ghiureai wrote:
Hi LIst,
I'm new to 389-ds admin , I have cfg a multimaster replication system , and read the RHES -DS documentation find the replicate_now script which is suppose to trigger master rep updates < 10 min, the script fails , there is no option for -1 in ldapsearch ...etc Wodner if any of you have an update script , I 'm running 389-ds on CentoS 6.5 .

Thank you

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