Thanks all for the inputs. Its finally working now.

Somehow the ldapmodify command was not adding the aci to the localhost. I
guess in other servers this was added thru replication but not on this one.

Finally below command is what fixed it.

ldapmodify -h localhost -D "cn=directory manager" -W -f repl-status-aci.ldif

I was not specifying "-h localhost" previously.

Btw it works both with groupdn = "ldap:///anyone"; as well as userdn =

Appreciate all the help.


On 18 January 2016 at 21:57, Ludwig Krispenz <> wrote:

> On 01/18/2016 05:19 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
>> Prashant Bapat wrote:
>>> Not actually. When I read the replication status as "directory manager"
>>> I can see the agreements. It really boils down to the aci issue now.
>> What confuses me is the ldif using replace. What were you replacing? Can
>> you search for the actual installed ACI?
>> I'd have used userdn = "ldap://anyone"; and not groupdn. I'm not sure if
>> that is the problem or not.
> great eyes :-)
> should be userdn
>> rob
>> On 18 January 2016 at 21:45, Ludwig Krispenz <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>      On 01/18/2016 05:09 PM, Prashant Bapat wrote:
>>>>      Indeed! When I specify -h localhost it returns empty result.
>>>      this indicates that you really don't have a replication agreement on
>>>      this server, the search without localhost goes to another server.
>>>      You can check by looking into the config file:
>>>      /etc/dirsrv/slapd-<INSTANCE>/dse.ldif
>>>      So here is the problem. I have the below aci to read the
>>>>      replication status anonymously.
>>>>      dn: cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>>>>      changetype: modify
>>>>      replace: aci
>>>>      aci:
>>>>  (targetattr=*)(targetfilter="(|(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)
>>>>        (objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement))")(version 3.0; aci
>>>>        "permission:Read Replication Agreements"; allow (read, search,
>>>>      compare)
>>>>        groupdn = "ldap:///anyone";;)
>>>>      I have the exact same aci which seems to work on my other servers.
>>>>      But on this one server its not working. I have double checked that
>>>>      the aci is present. Also, I'm able to read the replication status
>>>>      as "directory manager".
>>>>      Any help appreciated.
>>>>      Thanks.
>>>>      --Prashant
>>>>      On 18 January 2016 at 20:45, Ludwig Krispenz <
>>>>      <>> wrote:
>>>>          On 01/18/2016 01:12 PM, Prashant Bapat wrote:
>>>>>          It does.
>>>>>          Running the ldapsearch command gives me the expected output.
>>>>>          Below is what I'm running.
>>>>>          $ ldapsearch -x -b cn=config
>>>>>          '(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)'
>>>>>          nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no
>>>>>          dn:
>>>>>          <
>>>>> >,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping
>>>>>          tree,cn=config
>>>>>          nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Replica acquired
>>>>>          successfully: Incremental update succeeded
>>>>>          dn:
>>>>>          <
>>>>> >,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping
>>>>>          tree,cn=config
>>>>>          nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 1 Can't acquire busy replica
>>>>>          dn:
>>>>>          <
>>>>> >,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping
>>>>>          tree,cn=config
>>>>>          nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Replica acquired
>>>>>          successfully: Incremental update succeeded
>>>>>          This also indicates that the aci is proper.
>>>>          are you sure ldapsearch runs against the same server ? If you
>>>>          don't specify -H or -h -p it could take the target from the
>>>>          ldap.conf
>>>>          Thanks.
>>>>>          --Prashant
>>>>>          On 18 January 2016 at 14:01, William Brown
>>>>>          < <>> wrote:
>>>>>              On Mon, 2016-01-18 at 12:53 +0530, Prashant Bapat wrote:
>>>>>              > Hi,
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > There close to a dozen 389-DS as part of our FreeIPA
>>>>>              infra. On one of
>>>>>              > these
>>>>>              > servers, I'm encountering a strange problem.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > We monitor the state of replication among the 389
>>>>>              servers using a
>>>>>              > python-ldap based script. This works on all servers
>>>>>              except 1.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > What I'm doing is fairly basic. Something along lines
>>>>> of ;
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > ldapsearch -x -b cn=config
>>>>>              '(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)'
>>>>>              > nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Corresponding python code is below;
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > conn.search_s("cn=config" ,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
>>>>>              > '(objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement)',
>>>>>              ["nsDS5ReplicaHost",
>>>>>              > "nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus",
>>>>>              "nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart",
>>>>>              > "nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd"])
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Now for the strange issue.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > The above commands return the status of replication on
>>>>>              all servers
>>>>>              > except 1
>>>>>              > which returns an empty response. This happens only for
>>>>>              the python and
>>>>>              > the
>>>>>              > example perl script here
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              <
>>>>>              > nmonitoring.html>.
>>>>>              > The ldapsearch command works fine!!!
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Below is the log from a server where this runs fine.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 fd=564
>>>>>              slot=564 connection
>>>>>              > from
>>>>>              > ::1 to ::1
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=0 BIND
>>>>>              dn="" method=128
>>>>>              > version=3
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=0 RESULT
>>>>>              err=0 tag=97
>>>>>              > nentries=0 etime=0 dn=""
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=1 SRCH
>>>>>              base="cn=config"
>>>>>              > scope=2
>>>>>              > filter="(objectClass=nsds5replicationagreement)"
>>>>>              > attrs="nsDS5ReplicaHost
>>>>>              > nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart
>>>>>              > nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd"
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=1 RESULT
>>>>>              err=0 tag=101
>>>>>              > nentries=3 etime=0
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=2 UNBIND
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:09:19 +0000] conn=420951 op=2 fd=564
>>>>>              closed - U1
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Below is the log from the 1 server where this fails.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 fd=80 slot=80
>>>>>              connection from
>>>>>              > ::1 to
>>>>>              > ::1
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=0 BIND dn=""
>>>>>              method=128
>>>>>              > version=3
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=0 RESULT err=0
>>>>>              tag=97
>>>>>              > nentries=0
>>>>>              > etime=0 dn=""
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=1 SRCH
>>>>>              base="cn=config"
>>>>>              > scope=2
>>>>>              > filter="(objectClass=nsds5replicationagreement)"
>>>>>              > attrs="nsDS5ReplicaHost
>>>>>              > nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart
>>>>>              > nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd"
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=1 RESULT err=0
>>>>>              tag=101
>>>>>              > nentries=0
>>>>>              > etime=0
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=2 UNBIND
>>>>>              > [18/Jan/2016:07:05:20 +0000] conn=226 op=2 fd=80 closed
>>>>>              - U1
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > I have an ACI which allows anonymous access to the
>>>>>              replication info.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Version is : 389-ds-base-
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > Thanks.
>>>>>              > --Prashant
>>>>>              > --
>>>>>              > 389 users mailing list
>>>>>              > 389-users@%(host_name)s
>>>>>              >
>>>>>              > <>
>>>>>              The obvious first check is, does the server actually have
>>>>>              a valid
>>>>>              replication agreement? You can check this by looking at
>>>>>              /etc/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE_NAME/dse.ldif.
>>>>>              Second, check the aci on the server.
>>>>>              Hope this helps.
>>>>>              --
>>>>>              Sincerely,
>>>>>              William Brown
>>>>>              Software Engineer
>>>>>              Red Hat, Brisbane
>>>>>              --
>>>>>              389 users mailing list
>>>>>              389-users@%(host_name)s
>>>>>          --
>>>>>          389 users mailing list
>>>>>          389-users@%(host_name)s
>>>>          --
>>>>          389 users mailing list
>>>>          389-users@%(host_name)s
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>>>>      389 users mailing list
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>>>      389 users mailing list
>>>      389-users@%(host_name)s
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>>> 389 users mailing list
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