On Thu, 2016-06-30 at 15:10 +0000, Giuseppe Sarno wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to export users including the userPassword hashed and then 
> reimporting again ?
> I tried but I keep getting the following:
> #!CONNECTION ldap://localhost:389
> #!DATE 2016-06-30T16:07:09.508
> #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 19 - pre-hashed passwords are not valid ]

What version of 389-ds-base do you have installed?

How are you attempting the export and import? 

Certainly you can do this with db2ldif and ldif2db. As well, I have a
number of examples where you can ldapmodify the userPassword attribute,
and it respects the pre-hashed value.


William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Brisbane

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