Hi Ludwig, 

> the fixes for the tickets you mention did change the iteration thru the
> changelog and how it handles situtations when the start csn is not found in 
> the
> changelog. and it also did change the logging, so you might see messages now
> which were not there or hidden before.
That was my understanding too. 

> But I am very surprised to see them so frequently and I would like to 
> understand
> it.
> First some questions, do you have changelog trimming enabled and how, do you
> have fractional replication ?
yes for both questions. 

Trimming: 14 days 
Fractional replication: 
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE entryusn memberOf 
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE entryusn 
nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs: modifiersName modifyTimestamp internalModifiersName 
internalModifyTimestamp internalCreatorsname 

objectClass: top 
objectClass: extensibleObject 
cn: changelog5 
nsslapd-changelogdir: /Local/dirsrv/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ens/changelogdb 
nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 14d 

objectClass: top 
objectClass: nsDS5Replica 
cn: replica 
nsDS5ReplicaId: 1 
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=id,dc=polytechnique,dc=edu 
nsDS5Flags: 1 
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=RepliX,cn=config 
nsds5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800 
nsds5ReplicaTombstonePurgeInterval: 86400 
nsds5ReplicaLegacyConsumer: False 
nsDS5ReplicaType: 3 
nsDS5ReplicaName: eeb6d304-736c11e6-9bc5a1ff-40280b8e 
nsds5ReplicaChangeCount: 114948 
nsds5replicareapactive: 0 

Typical replication agreement: 

cn=Replication from ldap-lab.<domain name> to ldap-adm.<domain 
objectClass: top 
objectClass: nsDS5ReplicationAgreement 
cn: Replication from ldap-lab.<domain name> to ldap-adm.<domain name> 
description: Replication agreement from server ldap-lab.<domain name> to server 
ldap-adm.<domain name> 
nsDS5ReplicaHost: ldap-adm.<domain name> 
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=id,dc=polytechnique,dc=edu 
nsDS5ReplicaPort: 636 
nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: SSL 
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=RepliX,cn=config 
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: simple 
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE entryusn memberOf 
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE entryusn 
nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs: modifiersName modifyTimestamp internalModifiersName 
internalModifyTimestamp internalCreatorsname 
nsds5replicaBusyWaitTime: 5 
nsds5ReplicaFlowControlPause: 500 
nsds5ReplicaFlowControlWindow: 1000 
nsds5replicaTimeout: 120 
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials: {AES-... 
nsds50ruv: {replicageneration} 57cd7377000000020000 
nsds50ruv: {replica 2 ldap://ldap-adm.<domain name>:389} 
nsruvReplicaLastModified: {replica 2 ldap://ldap-adm.<domain name>:389} 
nsds5replicareapactive: 0 
nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart: 20160906115520Z 
nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd: 20160906115520Z 
nsds5replicaChangesSentSinceStartup: 3:13525/670 1:3671/0 2:1/0 
nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Replica acquired successfully: Incremental 
update succeeded 
nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress: FALSE 
nsds5replicaLastInitStart: 19700101000000Z 
nsds5replicaLastInitEnd: 19700101000000Z 

> Next, is it possible to get the access and error logs for a period of an hour
> from all servers (you can send them off list) ? I would like to track some of
> the reported csns.
Sure, i will send it to you off list in a moment. 

Thank you, 


> Regards,
> Ludwig

> On 09/06/2016 12:31 PM, Ivanov Andrey (M.) wrote:

>> Hi,

>> We are successfully using the compiled 1.3.4 git branch of 389DS in 
>> production
>> on CentOS 7 since about a year (approximately 40 000 entries, about 4000
>> groups, hundreds of reads and tens of writes per second).
>> Our current topology consists of 3 servers in triangle (each server is a 
>> master
>> replicating to 2 others, so two read-write replication agreements on each).

>> Since the fixes for the Ticket 48766 ("Replication changelog can incorrectly
>> skip over updates") and Ticket 48954 ("Replication fails because anchorcsn
>> cannot be found") I’ve started to see the following regular warnings in error
>> logs:

>> [06/Sep/2016:01:21:43 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57cdfe06000100010000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:01:21:43 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-lab.<domain>" (ldap-lab:636) - Can't locate CSN 57cdfe06000100010000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:02:35:25 +0200] - replica_generate_next_csn:
>> opcsn=57ce0f4e000500020000 <= basecsn=57ce0f4e000500030000, adjusted
>> opcsn=57ce0f4e000600020000
>> [06/Sep/2016:04:10:11 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce257e000400030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:05:16:58 +0200] - replica_generate_next_csn:
>> opcsn=57ce352b000000020000 <= basecsn=57ce352b000100010000, adjusted
>> opcsn=57ce352b000100020000
>> [06/Sep/2016:06:56:04 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-ens.<domain>" (ldap-ens:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce4c62000100030000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:07:29:00 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-ens.<domain>" (ldap-ens:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce541a000200030000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:07:34:20 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-lab.<domain>" (ldap-lab:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce5559000100010000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:07:34:27 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-lab.<domain>" (ldap-lab:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce5561000000010000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:07:40:17 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce56c0000500030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:07:40:24 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce56c5000100030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:08:36 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce5d5f000f00010000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:12:39 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce5e54000200030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:12:39 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-ens.<domain>" (ldap-ens:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce5e54000200030000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:26:45 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce61a3000200030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:27:40 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce61d8000200030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:27:40 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-ens.<domain>" (ldap-ens:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce61d8000200030000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:31:42 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce62c8000300010000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:34:05 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce635a000100010000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:44:28 +0200] clcache_load_buffer_bulk - changelog record with
>> csn (57ce65c9000200030000) not found for DB_NEXT
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:52:25 +0200] agmt="cn=Replication from ldap-adm.<domain> to
>> ldap-ens.<domain>" (ldap-ens:636) - Can't locate CSN 57ce67aa000100030000 in
>> the changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to 
>> be
>> reinitialized.
>> [06/Sep/2016:08:53:04 +0200] - replica_generate_next_csn:
>> opcsn=57ce67d1000100020000 <= basecsn=57ce67d1000200030000, adjusted
>> opcsn=57ce67d1000200020000

>> These warnings are present on all three servers and for all replication
>> agreements. One of them is virtual and two others are physical.

>> The replication still seems to work fine in spite of these warnings. The
>> "replica_generate_next_csn" is not new - it existed since always with 1.3.4,
>> the two new warnings are "clcache_load_buffer_bulk " and "Can't locate CSN 
>> ...
>> in the changelog (DB rc=-30988)." There are no network problems or anything
>> like that. So it could only be replication topology (3-master fully-connected
>> triangle) and/or servers being rather busy. Is it a bug, a warning that can 
>> be
>> ignored or anything else?

>> Thank you!

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