On Sun, 2017-11-12 at 23:06 +0100, Jan Kowalsky wrote:
> Hi all,
> after reading post on the lists regarding acis I was wondering what
> will
> be the preferred way to only grant access to the directory for hosts
> in
> the own network.
> On some comments I read that it's generally discouraged to use aci's
> with a "not" logic like:
>  ip != 10.0.0.*
> or something like this.

The != is only an issue for targetattr, because if you do:

targetattr != sn

Then this includes all system attributes like nsACcountlock and
resource limit types etc. 

IP addr != is fine :) 

> Does this apply to ip address based access too?
> My approach would be just someting like:
> aci: (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "Bind from special IPs
> only";deny (all) (ip != "192.168.100.*" and ip != "10.0.0.*);)
> do allow only from 192.168.100.* networks or from 10.0.0.*.
> As long as I understood, I have to define aci's for every base dn
> separately if I running multiple databases. Is there any way to
> define
> this for the whole server?

If you have the databases nested IE:


And in the mapping tree these are marked as "parent", then the aci of
dc=example,dc=com should apply to ou=foo too. 

Generally, I would look at:


IP address based security is not a good control: You should be using
other factors and information to provide access I think. You could
limit admins to using TLS user certs for identity rather than
passwords, using minssf rules, longer password policy, etc.

Hope that helps,


William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane

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