Thanks, Mark. I think I will have to do this directly in dse.ldif by stopping 
the server, editing the ldif and starting it again? Looks like there’s already 
an ACI for it, but it doesn’t include those attrs. So I think I will need to 
add them. Currently it looks like this:

dn: cn=mapping tree,cn=config
aci: (targetattr = "cn || createtimestamp || description || entryusn || modify
 timestamp || nsds50ruv || nsds5beginreplicarefresh || nsds5debugreplicatimeou
 t || nsds5flags || nsds5replicaabortcleanruv || nsds5replicaautoreferral || n
 sds5replicabackoffmax || nsds5replicabackoffmin || nsds5replicabinddn || nsds
 5replicabindmethod || nsds5replicabusywaittime || nsds5replicachangecount ||
 nsds5replicachangessentsincestartup || nsds5replicacleanruv || nsds5replicacl
 eanruvnotified || nsds5replicacredentials || nsds5replicaenabled || nsds5repl
 icahost || nsds5replicaid || nsds5replicalastinitend || nsds5replicalastinits
 tart || nsds5replicalastinitstatus || nsds5replicalastupdateend || nsds5repli
 calastupdatestart || nsds5replicalastupdatestatus || nsds5replicalegacyconsum
 er || nsds5replicaname || nsds5replicaport || nsds5replicaprotocoltimeout ||
 nsds5replicapurgedelay || nsds5replicareferral || nsds5replicaroot || nsds5re
 plicasessionpausetime || nsds5replicastripattrs || nsds5replicatedattributeli
 st || nsds5replicatedattributelisttotal || nsds5replicatimeout || nsds5replic
 atombstonepurgeinterval || nsds5replicatransportinfo || nsds5replicatype || n
 sds5replicaupdateinprogress || nsds5replicaupdateschedule || nsds5task || nsd
 s7directoryreplicasubtree || nsds7dirsynccookie || nsds7newwingroupsyncenable
 d || nsds7newwinusersyncenabled || nsds7windowsdomain || nsds7windowsreplicas
 ubtree || nsruvreplicalastmodified || nsstate || objectclass || onewaysync ||
  winsyncdirectoryfilter || winsyncinterval || winsyncmoveaction || winsyncsub
 treepair || winsyncwindowsfilter")(targetfilter = "(|(objectclass=nsds5Replic
 greement)(objectClass=nsMappingTree))")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Read Repl
 ication Agreements";allow (compare,read,search) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Read Re
 plication Agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=MYDC,dc=net";)

But I think I will also need to add the object class of objectClass=nsTombstone 
to the targetFilter?


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 12:23 PM, Mark Reynolds <> wrote:
> Add an ACI to this entry (using your suffix of course) allowing the user or 
> group to read/search/compare:
> dn: cn=replica,cn=o\3Dmark,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
> That should do it :-)

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