Hi Ludwig,

Thanks for your reply.

To clarify, when I say it's not working, it means that members of the
groups are not able to search the "cn=proxy" container's entries.

For example, I've set the following ACI on "cn=proxy":
(targetattr = "*") (target =
"ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";) (version 3.0;acl "ACI
title";allow (all)(groupdn =

User "uid=test" is a member of Group1 within "cn=proxy", but if I try
to search the container, I get no results:
[nicolas@dell ~]$ ldapsearch -D "uid=test,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=tld"
-W -H "ldaps://annuaire.domain.tld" -b
"cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld" cn
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: cn

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 1

I "works" when I mention groups explicitely in the ACI like:
(targetattr = "*")
(target = "ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";)
(version 3.0;
acl "Allow only groups members to query this object";
allow (all)
(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Group1,cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld"; or
groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Group2,cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";)

Search gives results:
[nicolas@dell ~]$ ldapsearch -D "uid=test,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=tld"
-W -H "ldaps://annuaire.domain.tld" -b
"cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld" cn
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: cn

# proxy, Servers, domain.tld
dn: cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld
cn: proxy


# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 5
# numEntries: 4

I'll try using ACI with the filter as you suggested and take a look at
the logs, maybe I'll be luckier.

Thanks for your help!


2021-02-03 19:07 UTC+01:00, Ludwig Krispenz <krisp...@t-online.de>:
> On 03.02.21 16:23, N R wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm not an English native speaker, so please forgive me if there's
>> mistakes in this e-mail.
>> OS : Fedora 30
>> 389ds version / build number : / 2020.023.2226
>> I'm struggling with ACI and despite hours of documentation reading, I
>> don't understand how to make it work as I want.
>> Basic directory structure
>> ==================
>> dc=domain,dc=tld
>> |
>> +---ou=Servers
>>      |
>>      +---cn=proxy <---- here is where I add the ACI
>>          |
>>          +---cn=group1
>>          |
>>          +---cn=group2
>> ===================
>> Container "proxy" is a "iphost" object.
>> I'm trying to allow only members of any group inside "cn=proxy" to
>> access attributes of "cn=proxy".
>> Relying on redhat directory server documentation, I've tried the
>> following ACI which didn't worked the way I wanted:
> you don't say in which way it did not work, didn't the group members get
> access or was access granted for dns outside the groups, maybe an
> example of a group and a search would be useful. And in a next step you
> should eventually turn on acl logging, which is very verbose, but coul
> help.
>> (targetattr = "*") (target =
>> "ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";) (version 3.0;acl
>> "Allow only groups members to query this object";allow (all)(groupdn =
>> "ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld??sub";);)
> did you try to add a filter, like
> "ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld??sub?(objectclass=groupofnames");)
> or groupofuniquenames if you define your group with uniquemembers
>> (targetattr = "*") (target =
>> "ldap:///cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";) (version 3.0;acl
>> "Allow only groups members to query this object";allow (all)(groupdn =
>> "ldap:///cn=*,cn=proxy,ou=Servers,dc=domain,dc=tld";);)
> this should work if the dn of your groups matches this pattern
>> I used informations  provided on
>> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/11/html/administration_guide/defining_bind_rules#using_the_groupdn_keyword_with_an_ldap_filter
>> but I don't understand how to adapt them to my use-case.
>> The ugly and suboptimal way of solving it would be to list every group
>> within "cn=proxy" in the ACI, but I'm almost sure there's a better way
>> to do it.
>> Thanks in advance for your replies and any possible help.
>> Cheers,
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