On Sep 29, 2016, at 2:00 PM, Charles Miller wrote:

> I have many output forms, which after conversion to v15.2 don't look that
> great on windows as the highlight color is so dependent upon theme chosen
> by user. Am I missing something or is there any way to control that via code

Short answer is no. 

In v13 there was a form property you could set to use the windows highlight 
color. If you turned this off, then the highlight of rows was black and text 
was in white. That property appears to have been removed starting with v14. 

This reminds me of one of the “properties” of Steve Jobs. He wanted to control 
the UI on the Mac so that he could prevent users from making bad decisions that 
in his opinion looked “bad”. Users should be able to customize some things, but 
not all things. 

Question: Are users telling you that it looks bad, or is this something that 
you have determined on your own? 

If users are telling you this, then the solution is simple. Tell them they made 
this decision with their chosen theme. They can change the highlight color in 
their theme.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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