v13 - I do not do that.  I.E. issue save record after a change of data.
to edit an item in a listbox I use the following code to access the 
record - this may be different then what you are doing.

  //$1 - longint - column into which to allow (first) entry

  // ∙ Created 5/19/16 by Chip - 


$Selected_Line:=utl_listbox_Get_Selected_Line (ptr_Incld_Form_LB)
EDIT ITEM(*;$Column_Name_to_Edit;$Selected_Line)
  //End lstbox_Enter_Data_Directly

applicable lines of code from utl_listbox_Get_Selected_Line:
RESOLVE POINTER($Listbox_ptr;$Listbox_Name;$Table_Number;$Junk)
LISTBOX GET TABLE SOURCE($Listbox_ptr->;$Table_Number;$Named_Selection)
$Current:=Selected record number($Table_ptr->)

On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 11:13:42 +1300, Keith Goebel wrote:
> Hi all.
> Using 4D v15.2 on Win, I have a selection based listbox where some of 
> the fields are enterable.
> The only way I have found (so far) to save the entered changes is to 
> trap the On Data Change event in the listbox method and call Save 
> Record.
> Do we all have to add code like that to enterable listbox columns or 
> is there a setting I've missed that causes the entered values to be 
> automatically saved like they are with included forms?
> TIA, Keith
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