I have always used Combo boxes on my forms from time immemorial, but we were 
having crashing issues using them in v15, and the code was always clunky 
because most of the time the selection must be limited to the choices in the 
array anyway. I recreated the controls on a couple of problematic forms, 
changing them to "Popup Drop down List” objects with fewer events needed and 
less code in the object methods. I also checked the “Focusable” and  “Tabable” 
properties for the objects. The controls work great, are much cleaner and 
faster for those of us who are “clickers” but our data entry staff are used to 
tabbing into controls, using a down arrow if necessary to drop down the list 
and typing away, all from the keyboard in order to maintain data entry 
efficiency by not going back and forth to a mouse. They are now upset because 
the controls are NOT tabable in any way, the cursor just skips to the next 
field. We are using v15.2 HF2. Anything I’m missing? Is this a bug in the 
properties and Tab Order dialogs, or is a bug in functioning?


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