On Nov 1, 2016, at 4:49 PM, Add Komoncharoensiri wrote:

> Using a pointer is not a problem. 4D does not restrict you from using a
> pointer with the command that calls Trigger. Additional explanation can be
> found here: 
> ftp://ftp-public.4d.fr/Documents/Products_Documentation/LastVersions/Line_1
> 5R5/VIntl/4D_Upgrade_v15_R5.pdf ­ page 45.
> When the compiler sees the command such as SAVE RECORD, it knows that a
> trigger method will need to be checked for the thread safety. If you call
> SAVE RECORD([Table_1]), it knows that it needs to check in the Trigger
> method for [Table_1]. If you call SAVE RECORD($ptrOnTable->), the compiler
> does not know the exact table that you are calling. Therefore, it will
> check the Trigger method for all tables for the thread safety. If any of
> the trigger methods contain a thread-unsafe command, the compiler will
> report the problem. Now it is your chance to make changes in your Trigger
> methods and remove/replace any found thread-unsafe code.
> Hope this clear up some confusion.

Yes Add, that makes sense. Pointers are OK to use in preemptive methods. 

But triggers with “offensive” commands may need special attention if you are 
using pointers that will cause the trigger to run. 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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