
Given the current restrictions, we're currently not in a position to 
contemplate Preemptive.  Of course we'll be working on our code to move towards 

But what I just don't get is why 4D thinks that putting compiler _errors_ in 
for this feature instead of just warnings, is a great idea.  4D has made the 
compiler check and error on a lot of things where it _can_ check, but why 
bother stopping you from compiling when the compiler can't check everything 

Runtime errors will be generated if offending code happens to execute.  These 
runtime checks are already in place for cases like dereferencing pointers to IP 
variables, surely.

Also consider EXECUTE METHOD (a thread safe command, apparently) - the compiler 
obviously can't check what code this command might execute.

The main issue we'll face with attempting to get our code to be thread safe 
will be IP Arrays.  Our IP arrays are static (in that they are populated on 
server startup) and without them performance would be very badly degraded.  I'm 
encouraged by the discussion here of a new type of semi-static array concept 
that could be populated at startup - as long as:-

1. Static arrays could be accessed (but not updated) from cooperative processes
2. Static arrays could be updated at times other than startup during 
development when running in interpreted mode (and hence there are no 
pre-emptive processes)

Sorry Tony, I also dislike the idea of IP variables being copied into new 
preemptive processes.

Best regards

Keith White
Synergist Express Ltd, UK.
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