> Le 3 janv. 2017 à 20:14, Chip Scheide <4d_o...@pghrepository.org> a écrit :
> anyone have code already written to increase font size, move things 
> around etc as the font size increases
> - at least for a list (ing/box)
> - great if it can include entry forms too

Hi Chip, 
nothing to move objects (too complicated for my laziness), I just this for 

$i_l:=OBJECT Get font size(*;$LBname_t)
If ($sourceObject_t="btDecrease")
Else  //button increase
End if
If ($i_l>24)
End if
If ($i_l<7)
End if
OBJECT SET FONT SIZE(*;$LBname_t;$i_l)

Easy to apply to other objects in a form if you don't change positions (most of 
the time, I consider that growing text size is enough). 

This is for buttons with use usual shortcuts (cmd +, cmd -), but another UI 
tool I like is a ruler because you just have to roll mouse wheel over it to 
increase/decrease text:

For complicated, you may take a look at Cannon's "GUIAnchor Module" demo here:

Arnaud de Montard 

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