
maybe this works better for you ?

Regards Armin

Justin Leavens wrote
> I've been unable to use 4D v13 in Client mode at all under OS X 10.12.2
> with the new MacBook Pro. Either it crashes when trying to enter the
> password (just clicking into the password field), or trying to open
> windows in the app on the odd occasions when I can get in. And I can't use
> the Touch Bar at all, even as function keys, in v15. I tried the commands
> below and they seemed promising at first, but still crashing.
> I miss my 17" MBP a lot right now.
> ADeeg wrote
>> defaults write com.apple.systemuiserver NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
>> defaults write com.4D.4DRuntimeVolumeLicense NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled
>> -bool NO
>> defaults write com.4d.kernel NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
>> defaults write com.apple.CoreFoundation NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
>> defaults write com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled
>> -bool NO

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