Timothy Penner wrote:

>If you create a shortcut or link to an application, then add that
>shortcut/link to the doc, then click on the shortcut/link you will see
>the behavior you describe.

>The way to fix this is to remove the shortcut/link from the dock and
>then add a reference to the actual application instead (such as by right-
>clicking the running application and choosing the option to keep in dock). 

That did it! Thanks!

So, for some reason, dragging v15 to the dock acts as if it's creating a 
separate alias and moving that to the dock. Weird.

Thanks Keisuke, Koen, Randy and Timothy for the replies.

   Tom Dillon                                           825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft                                           Moab, UT 84532
   tomdil...@datacraft-inc.com                           720/209-6502
        Even on a road with no turns you can head out across the
        open field. --- Sunastar

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