> Le 27 janv. 2017 à 22:07, Lee Hinde <leehi...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> [...]
> After building a bunch of generically named arrays, I pass them all in.
> [...]
>       $col_name:="$array_"+String($prop_index)
>       $get_pointer:=Get pointer($col_name)
> [...]

Hi Lee, 
I seem to remember such an array is displayed "<>array1" in the debugger, not 
the "$array1" that one could expect. I wonder what happens in compiled mode, 
too. Anyway, I avoid Get pointer so it could be an ignorant opinion… 

I'm used to fill local arrays first, then COPY ARRAY:
  selection to array (...;$array1;...;$arrayN)
  $target_p:=object get pointer (*;named object;"listbox_C1") //->listboxColumn
  copy array($array1;$target_p->)
  $target_p:=object get pointer(*;named object;"listbox_CN")
  copy array($arrayN;$target_p->)

Since v14 R3, LISTBOX INSERT COLUMN allows to insert columns into list boxes 

Arnaud de Montard 

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