Why not just add an option "Open In Excel" that writes what they have setup to 
a temporary file and immediately opens it in Excel? I think this is a lot 
easier than Drag and Drop which requires arranging windows. 

To do the above method (or copy/paste) with just the highlighted rows in the 
current order, you can iterate over the selection and use Is in 
set("HighlightSet") to process the correct rows. If the selection is large (or 
potentially large) there are faster ways that take a bit more coding.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

> On Mar 6, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Keith Goebel via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> A client has asked: 
> I have the list (selection based listbox) showing  the records I'm interested 
> in, and I have set the columns to show only those I want and put them in the 
> order I want them (all available from the list interface).
> Why can't I select the rows and copy/paste or drag and drop them onto an 
> Excel spreadsheet instead of having to go through the export interface? (they 
> select the fields and order to export).

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