4D v15.2
OSX 10.12+

I tried many different things to launch a .htm on OSX using OPEN URL, and it 
would not automatically open the document.

Included “safari” in the OPEN URL.
Used the “*” parameter in OPEN URL.
Stripped the volume name.
Removed Document Type and Creator, replaced with 4*char(0).
Added the Type in CREATE DOCUMENT.

So I used:


$LF:=Char(Line feed)

$script_t:="tell application \"Finder\""+$LF
$script_t:=$script_t+"print \""+$Path_Doc_t+"\" as alias"+$LF
$script_t:=$script_t+"end tell"+$LF
LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS("osascript -";$script_t;$outputStream_t;$errorStream_t)

This works great!

David Ringsmuth

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