I have a structure where I just realized that every table was set to NOT be 
included in the journal file. Oops! So I selected all tables and checked the 
“Include in Log File” option in the structure Inspector. So far so good. Next I 
created some records and expected them to show up in the journal file, but they 
didn’t. The journal file size didn’t change.

I’ve tried lots of things. Turned off the log file completely and turned it 
back on. Relaunched. Unchecked the Include in Log File and turned it back on 
for individual tables. Made sure I did a backup so a new log file was started. 
No matter what I try I can’t seem to get it to log any changes to records. It 
will log a bit of information when the database is launched or quit, but that 
is it.

I have this working in lots of other scenarios, so I must be missing something 
obvious. Does anyone have any ideas?


Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

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