Hi All,

We are using 4D Write for about 20 years now.
With 4D v16R2 we think it is time to migrate to 4D Write Pro.
One thing we use a lot is expressions to merge data with document templates.
We don't use 4D records but we use 4D for OCI to connect to an Oracle database.
20 years ago we didn't know of XML (or maybe it even didn't exist) so we did it 
the array way.

The old way (still used) :
In the 4D Write template insert expressions, for example :  
When merging the template with data retrieve data into 2 attribute-value arrays.
INSERTFIELD is executed by 4D, which looks for DEBTOR_NAME in array 1 and 
returns the value in Array 2

The new way (just an idea) :
In the 4D Write template insert expressions, for example : 
INSERTFIELD("debtor/nr") or INSERTFIELD("debtor/name")
When merging the template with data retrieve data into XML file
INSERTFIELD is executed by 4D, which handles the parameter of INSERTFIELD as 
xpath notation and finds the right element / attribute in XML file and returns 
An alternative could be using JSON

My question :
Has anybody already done "my new way" and have experience with this?
Does this make sense or is there a better way to do this?
Is JSON for example a better alternative over XML?

Thanks in advance,


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