I spoke too soon. Client disconnects started once I left work on Friday. I
apparently have app nap turned off for 4D (checkbox in 4D.app get info).
It also is off for most other apps based on viewing the Energy tab of all
processes in Activity monitor. The one exception is Finder, for which
there doesn't appear to be a way to turn App Nap off.

My observation is that problems start when these machines are idle. On
Friday I didn't see any problems until I left for the day. Monitors noted
web apps failing, emails that the client had hung and rebooted about 30
minutes after I left the office.
* I was no longer connected to the server via 4D.
* I wasn't viewing both 'web client' machines via the Apple Screen Sharing
* It was a Friday afternoon. Light traffic.

Our client/server timeout is set for one minute. That is the same setting
we ran on v14 and these clients would stay connected for months on v14.
We are still running 32-bit server so it is using the old network layer.
Web clients are running macOS Sierra 10.12.4 on a Mac Mini with 16GB of
Server is Windows 2008r2 with ample memory.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?


Brad Perkins

>Thank you. I was aware of this but was confusing 'App Nap' with the 'Power
>Nap' settings in the Energy Saver control panel. I changed these a few
>hours ago and no disconnects so far.
>Brad Perkins
>From: Robert McKeever <bobmckee...@mac.com>
>>Disable App Nap.

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