On Apr 24, 2017, at 11:37 AM, Kirk Brooks wrote:

> I was looking up something else yesterday and came across some comments and
> directions regarding UUIDs and saying that they should always be lowercase.
> But this isn't a hard rule, apparently. And 4D prefers to uppercase them -
> which I find harder to read.

I’m curious why you want to “read” a UUID? I can’t read one and remember it 
with or without lowercase characters. It’s just too long.

My use of UUIDs is primarily for primary keys. And in those situations where I 
need to do some debugging and have to query on a UUID to find something, I have 
this object method for the UUID field on an input form:

  // copy UUID to pasteboard if Mouse Enter and Shift Key down
If ((Form event=On Mouse Enter) & Shift down)
End if 

Then I don’t have to read it or remember it and it is on the pasteboard ready 
for me to paste into the Query Editor.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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