On 24 Apr 2017, at 22:50, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

>  I opened another method to publication.

Hi Chip

When you made the change the first time, was the host structure still open ?


 • open the component structure only
 • un-publish the method
 • re-publish it (click ‘Shared by components and host database’)
 • use an alternative function to check the “ Shared by components and host 
database” property (e.g. if you right-clicked in the method list the first time 
to access the property editor, then do the checking from the open method via 
“METHOD —> Method Properties…” (in menu bar)
 • once you’re sure it’s published, check it’s not invisible
 • go back to the host and check it’s not masked in the host by a method of the 
same name

If you’ve done all that I can’t think for the life of me why you’re not seeing 
it other than your alias is simply pointing to the wrong component structure.




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