I have setup code to allow the export and import of records from a 
specific table (bug reports).
This allows me to create a bug/feature report and send it to our 
server, or import to my local (development) database from a user 
entered request/problem.

This worked in v11 and 12, i am now trying to do this in v13 - it is 
the export routine seems to be failing  ---
the resulting document is empty.
I have traced and the 2 records I am trying to send are in selection, 
they are loaded before the send record command.

Any ideas???

The code is dead simple
$msg:="Create file to save Exported bug reports."

If (utl_File_Create_Document (->$File_Path;->$Doc_Ref;$msg;".txt"))
CLOSE DOCUMENT($Doc_Ref)  //send record requires set channel
SET CHANNEL(10;$File_Path)

For ($i;1;Records in selection([Bug_Reporting]))
SEND RECORD([Bug_Reporting])
NEXT RECORD([Bug_Reporting])
End for 

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