That was a kind of mashup of several ideas, but you covered them in the 
preceding paragraph.  
Thanks for the observations.

Keith - CDI

> On May 19, 2017, at 5:41 PM, David Adams via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> You call a window, not a form, not process. That's precisely so that you
> can specify which window in a process you're trying to send the code to for
> execution. If you aren't using multiple windows in a single process or if
> you aren't using 'form variables', then it makes no difference.
> * The code executes in the context of the _process_ holding the
> window/form. No matter which window/form it is.
> * The code has access to the form variables of the form in the specified
> window, if you want them.
> A form's local variables are outside the purview of the "Worker called".
>> No event is triggered.  Any variable changed need a Call Process (-1) for
>> their display to change.
>> On the other hand, this is where form object names make the context
>> significant?
> I don't think that I follow what you're saying here.

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