A recent discovery for me was a quick way to open the explorer.

Put the insertion point in the method editor on an empty line and press

Douglas von Roeder

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 6:06 PM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> @
> [t@1]f@1:=seq@n@
> can result in:
> [table_1]Field_1 := Sequence Number
> it is amazing how short a line of code can be, before it is expanded
> - then you have to go back and ad the '\' to make it readable.  :)
> You can use the @ to shortcut any tokenizable item. Commands, tables,
> fields, (your) method names. Any line of code as it is typed can include
> any number of @s, sometimes I have as many @s as other characters.
> Chip
> > In honor of National Take-a-Penny/Leave-a-Penny Day, I thought it would
> be
> > nice to start a thread to collect people's favorite 4D tricks and
> keystroke
> > combos. How this came up is that Wayne Stewart and I recently joined
> Damon
> > Carley in giving some presentations in Sydney and New Zealand. One of the
> > biggest crowed pleasers?
> >
> >   [Customer]ID;$customer_ids_at;\
> >   [Customer]LastName;$last_names_at)
> >
> > The "\" line break/continuation character. It's been out there for about
> 10
> > years, but not everyone knows about it. It's great! It's great for array
> > sort, selection to array/array to selection, and a lot of OB SET kind of
> > stuff. Great!
> >
> > Someone said "I'm sure that's in the docs somewhere, but how would you
> find
> > it?" Good point, I guess you just look for / ;-) Quite a few people
> started
> > sharing their favorite tips and it turns out that there are *tons* of
> them.
> >
> > So, here's mine:
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > Code Line Break Character
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > You can break a single line of code into multiple lines to simplify
> reading
> > and editing using the / character.
> >
> > So, if you found that useful or if it reminds you of one of your
> favorites,
> > please post another one. I'm sure no one knows all of the good ones but
> > everyone must know a few.
> >
> > If anyone wants to post links to the docs, that's more than welcome.
> (Tim &
> > Miyako, we're looking at you because you've each spoiled us with good
> links
> > down the years),
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> Hell is other people
>      Jean-Paul Sartre
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