I've done this before but years ago - more than five. I really like the
idea of external .4DD files, but have not mastered the niceties of the
paths and such.

I've got a simple setup with a component that includes a .4DD file. I want
the component to open up and use the data file. I've gotten this working
when everything is interpreted. With a compiled component, I get a stack of
errors, starting with error -43, file not found. The error stack that it's
looking for a .4DB file, not a .4DC file.

I've manually changed permissions on all of the files to be...generous.
(What's up with that? Is this normally required? It seems so in my case on
OS X.)

I've tried opening up the .4DC from inside of the component and selecting
the .4DD right next to it before moving the component over to the host. No

I've tried specifying .4DC in the USE DATABASE path, but that doesn't work
at all.

Suggestions appreciated.
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