On May 29, 2017, at 10:56 AM, David Adams wrote:

> Hey Wayne, thanks for answering. I think that external .4DD files were
> created for use from components in the first place and I've made it work
> before...but it's been years. I don't remember hearing that you had to
> create the data file from SQL, I thought that you could use any data file
> that you like. It's all working with an interpreted component, so I don't
> know what to make of it.

I think you do have to create the external data file with SQL. It has a special 
format. Notice that if you index fields in the external data file it does not 
create a .4dindx file. The index is embedded inside the data file. 

"Normal" 4D data files have the indexes stored in "segment 64" which is the 
.4dindx file. Segments didn't die, they are just hidden from us. 


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