So, I have Mac-based 4D v15 desktop application that’s supporting about 10 
users via client/server on a local LAN. There is a need to create a 
public-facing web presence that would allow access to the data managed by 4D 
(254 GBs of externally referenced TIFFs).  The client wants to sell access to 
these documents where each page is a separate TIFF. The web customer would need 
to do a search on the documents index in 4D and then view the chosen image 
(page). At this point, I’d like to work out the best way to accomplish: 
customer login (account creation), searching the database, loading the TIFF 
images. For now, the billing and working out how to charge can come later. The 
data is very valuable so it must be kept secure. So, how would you structure 

Plan A: My original though was to activate the 4D web server and let the local 
server become the web server. Currently the 4D server is not using a public 
IP….  What would need to change regarding ports being opened and such to allow 
the LAN users and the 4D web server to operate too? The client is very security 
conscious about incoming connections.

Plan B: move the whole system to the cloud. I have another system running on 
MacMiniVault which is 100% web access and it has it’s own public IP. With this 
approach, the current LAN users could possibly connect with 4D over the 
internet…. Possible security and performance problems with that idea.

Plan C: Something super-awesome that you suggest that I never thought about!  :)

Thanks for your input!


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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