Am 16.06.2017 um 07:17 schrieb Ronald Rosell via 4D_Tech <>:
> Main issue I ran into was running it on a new MacBook Pro with touch bar; you 
> need 4D 15.4 or higher for that to work.  4D v 14.x just quits on you on a 
> touch bar Mac.   (The workaround is to bring up a VM in a program like 
> Parallels running El Capitan;  that will work, even on a touch bar Mac.)

Although it is a bit tedious, you can work 14 on Sierra with Touch Bar.
It does crash from time to time (from 5 times in a day, to sometimes not at 
all), and whenever it does:
- Open MSC - Repair Structure
In 90% of the cases you will be able to work on. 
Just save that 590 line method frequently…

As for accessing Servers, create an empty structure, open it and then connect 
to the server.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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