On Jun 22, 2017, at 1:41 PM, Robert Broussard wrote:

> Is there a way to use the contextual menu of the host OS (Mac or Windows) for 
> Cut, Copy & Paste within 4D?

It depends on the version of 4D that you are using for how much work you need 
to do.  With v14+ there is a checkbox in the Property List for fields and 
variables in the “Entry” area called “Context Menu”. Check that option and you 
can right click in the field or variable and get the Cut, Copy & Paste options. 
If the object is set to be “Multi-style” you get even more options in the 
contextual menu.

But the “Context Menu” property is only available for text and string fields or 
variables. Dates and numeric objects do not provide this option so you must do 
it yourself with code.  Also if you are working with a 4D version prior to v14 
you have to do this for all field and variable types.

First turn on the “Clicked” form event for the field or variable on the form. 
Then add this method to the object method:  HandleContextualMenu.

  // ===========================================
  // PROJECT METHOD: HandleContextualMenu

  // PARAMETERS: $1 = menu ref (optional)
  // $2 = method name (optional)

  // DESCRIPTION: Put this method in a form object and it will
  // respond to a right-click in the current object. 

  // Pass no paramters and it will do the default which is to support
  // Cut, Copy and Paste in the current object.

  // CREATED BY: Tim Nevels, Innovative Solutions ©2016
  // DATE: 4/1/16
  // ============================================

If (Count parameters>=1)
End if 
If (Count parameters>=2)
End if 


If (Form event=On Clicked)
   GET MOUSE($mouseX;$mouseY;$mouseButton)
   If (Macintosh control down | ($mouseButton=2))  // right-click
        // determine enabled/disabled for Cut and Copy items
      GET HIGHLIGHT(Self->;$start;$end)
      If (($end-$start)>0)
         ENABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;1)  // Cut
         ENABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;2)  // Copy
         DISABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;1)  // Cut
         DISABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;2)  // Copy
      End if 

        // determine enabled/disabled for Paste item
      If (Get text from pasteboard="")
         DISABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;3)  // Paste
         ENABLE MENU ITEM($menuRef_t;3)  // Paste
      End if 

        // display the menu
      $menuItem_t:=Dynamic pop up menu($menuRef_t)

        // handle the selected item
      Case of 
         : ($menuItem_t="")
              // nothing selected

         : ($methodName_t#"")  // use custom method handler
            EXECUTE METHOD($methodName_t;*;$menuItem_t)

         : ($menuItem_t="Cut")  // handle default Cut operation
            POST KEY(Character code("x");Command key mask)

         : ($menuItem_t="Copy")  // handle default Copy operation
            POST KEY(Character code("c");Command key mask)

         : ($menuItem_t="Paste")  // handle default Paste operation
            POST KEY(Character code("v");Command key mask)

      End case 
   End if 
End if 

I build the contextual menu On Startup for a little performance optimization 
with this method:

  // ===========================================
  // PROJECT METHOD: CreateDefaultRightClickMenu

  // PARAMETERS: none

  // DESCRIPTION: Creates the default right-click menu with
  // Cut, Copy and Paste

  // CREATED BY: Tim Nevels, Innovative Solutions ©2016
  // DATE: 4/1/16
  // ============================================

<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t:=Create menu

APPEND MENU ITEM(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;"Cut")
SET MENU ITEM PARAMETER(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;-1;"Cut")

APPEND MENU ITEM(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;"Copy")
SET MENU ITEM PARAMETER(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;-1;"Copy")

APPEND MENU ITEM(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;"Paste")
SET MENU ITEM PARAMETER(<>defaultRightClickMenuRef_t;-1;"Paste")

All of this would be unnecessary if 4D would simply enable “Context Menu” 
property for field types other than text and string. But as of v16 they do not 
so you have to do this workaround.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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