> Le 27 juin 2017 à 20:16, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
> [...]
> I have a 4.8 meg text, I am using for testing.
> I accidentally ran the following line of code against it.
> $Source:=Replace String($Source;Char(9);"";*)
> [...] it took about 30 minutes.

Hi Chip, 
you're more patient than me  ;-)

more exacttly, it depends on the version: before 4D v15 R3, the wheel of death… 
A wrapper based on explode/implode is the solution:

ARRAY TEXT($temp_at;0x0000)
If (Str_explode (->$temp_at;$txt_t;$find_t)>0)
 $txt_t:=Str_implode (->$temp_at;$remplace_t)
End if

Since 4D v15 R3, forget the wrapper and use Replace string instead. See 
"optimisation" here:

Arnaud de Montard 

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