
Wow! Thank you so, so much for your beautiful post. I loved it all, and I
think that your assessment is pretty much right on the money on all counts.
And, yes, I am a very quick typist ;-) I am also sleeping great these days,
but thanks for your concern there. I grew up in an environment I now
recognize is a bit weird. The way we were taught to deal with intellectual
questions was to thrash them out until you got a clear answer. Personal
insults/ Not cool. Cheap arguments like "it's a secret" or "someone smarter
than you knows better", well, let's just say you only ever tried any of
that nonsense once as the rest of the group would tear at you like a pack
of dogs. Unpleasant. So, I'm all for pushing ahead until I get an answer
that makes sense.

You're right, I need more tools - and I'm find with that. 4D isn't a data
analysis tool and I actually accept that part. But, yeah, I do get
frustrated by some things, like, an incomplete JSON parser? Makes no sense
to me.

Anyway, 4D has a ton of features I love and I'm fluent in it enough to get
things done quickly. It's absolutely my go-to tool for grinding and
reprocessing data. It's great for that. And I don't think that's just
because I know it already, I think it's actually pretty great at connecting
to a huge range of systems and tweaking stuff.

But, again, thanks for your long and thoughtful post, very much appreciated.

P.S. I did a department-type document scanning program a few years back and
it worked great. Used PDF Viewer for the PDFs in the system but, otherwise,
it was pretty much just 4D. After much thought, I used the 'store data
outside of data file' option and it worked out well. I had some concerns
about the data getting scrambled after a recovery or something, so I also
had a nightly job that exported all of the documents into a standard file
structure tree. So, a bunch of nested folders grouped by client (or
whatever) with the documents and an identifier. That made it easier to
sleep at night ;-) It also gave us a traversable directory of documents
that could be drag-and-dropped (or written to) a Web server directory. Kind
of handy!
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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