I've tried a few different wiki packages down the years, sometimes setting
them up from scratch and sometimes using one someone else configured. At
the moment I'm using Atlassian's Confluence as set up by someone else.

It's great.

As I'm working along, figuring things out I can put down some notes to
refer back to. If I have to figure out some kind of algorithm that's new to
me (or long forgotten), I can write it up for others in a team setting.
(I've been doing a bunch of interval math lately which I thought I hated. I
don't hate it, I just didn't know where to look for the right information.)

I understand that a lot of people don't like writing and that it's a chore.
As I just heard it put from someone (in voice mail)

"Because I hate writing. Period."

Confluence (or similar) isn't the product for people in this camp ;-) But
if you do find it helpful to write things down in a place that you can find
them latter, I'm really pleased with Confluence.

A couple of notes:
* There are only a handful of styles and formatting options. A bit
frustrating for someone like me who misses character-level
stylesheets...but then you end up wasting very little time on formatting.
(At times, I make myself write in BBEdit so that I don't get caught up in
pointless tweaking too early.) After using Confluence's options for a few
days I stopped and noticed, 'Hey! Everything looks great!" They've saved me
from wasting time and from doing hideous things ;-)

* Overall, I've probably spent 30-45 minutes figuring out various features
and where options are. The hardest was figuring out where attachments are
organized. (There's a little paperclip symbol that's only visible when
you're not editing. A bit weird, but not a big deal.)

If anyone has used Confluence and/or anything else and wants to post some
comparisons (now or six months from now, I'll still be interested), please
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