
We have been using wikis for more than 10 years and we love them. I did write 
post on the nug about it.

We use it internally for everything, information on clients, projects, 
application version history, meeting reports/minutes, standard procedures, 
coding practice, naming convention rules, etc...
Basically all the information which we want to share...
And wikis are searchable... 

We managed to convince client to use them for online documentation linked to 
their own knowledge base. And this works great.
We configured each screen of our application to a corresponding url to the 
wiki. Clicking on the help button opens the corresponding wiki page in a window 
with a web area.

We are using an old wiki (we chose it in 2005) : JSPWiki (open source, free as 
in beer). It is now under the Apache foundation but is does not seem that 
In particular there is no graphical interface do editing pages...
But we learnt the basic syntax and it feels natural...
Our wiki runs on Tomcat on a linux box
The wiki syntax is not standard so migrating data from one wiki product to 
another is a bit daunting.

I know of Confluence and Jira, but, to be honest, I did not try them. I know 
that Atlassian products are very good.

We started to use "redmine" (open source, free as in beer) for bug tracking 
(migrating from another bug tracking product Track+ which was a commercial 
product). It is just a beginning with this tool but I like it. 
Again, migrating from one tool to another is daunting. We will slowly migrate 
and keep the old tool for historic data.

Great to hear other people are using wikis and love them :-)

PS : also, take a look at Trello, it is a great online tool (think of agile, 
posit notes, online collaborative tool)...
Trello has been bough by Atlassian beginning of 2017 for $425M.
Trello is free (as in beer, for the time being).


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