> 2017/08/03 7:02、Michael Ferguson via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4D.com> のメール: > t_Request is properly formatted JSON text
by the way if the JSON is an object (not array) you can directly pass C_OBJECT to HTTP Get/Request > headernames_at{1} := “Authorization” > $headervalues_at{1}:=Authorization: PSSERVER access I get that this is pseudo code but is the header name being duplicated in value? ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) FAQ: http://lists.4d.com/faqnug.html Archive: http://lists.4d.com/archives.html Options: http://lists.4d.com/mailman/options/4d_tech Unsub: mailto:4d_tech-unsubscr...@lists.4d.com **********************************************************************