On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 3:00 PM,
David Adams <dpad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > How do you deal with that problem (Preventing duplicate data)

"Carefully program your system to detect and prevent duplicate rows" as
appropriate. Generally such a Dupe Check can take many forms depending on
the business needs, the data in question, and the data entry
process/environment. I've not yet found a solution that fits all. Generally
it is much easier to do this if the "data entry user" is a browser post -
where you have the time and space to do more complicated look-ups. (More
and more of my own projects are web front ends to 4D in the backend.)
 ​I've used similar constructions as John's ContactsDuplicateManager example
as well, although I steer away from storing extra data if I can. For less
immediacy data needs I've found that after hours "helper" routines that
fire off and run in the background working through data to flag dupes for
admin oversight next day is popular with some managers who prefer to make
their own decision about whether some stuff really is a dupe or not. Some
duplicate data has to be eliminated "right now" before the record is saved;
whereas some might be interesting to investigate a little more in depth.
The whys and wherefores --what caused it, who caused it, where did it come
from, and why, is it legit or a real mistake; such questions can often lead
to better processes, better training, better form design, better import
provisioning, or better import pre-cleaning, etc. It all depends on the
project and biz needs.
Steve Simpson
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