Hi All,

If you were not able to see it the 4dMethod.com presentation today - you really 
go to!!!

David Adams did a wonderful job explaining how he implemented 
Publish/Subscribe. Just what the doctor ode red in my case as I was about to 
implement something similar in a database I am working on. Although now I will 
approach it differently then I did way back in StructurePulse days.

Anyway, David explains Call Form/Call Worker in a way that it finally clicked 
for me. And did I say he posted the source code with an easy to understand demo.

I could parrot what he said but then I’d spoil the fun you’ll have of watching 
the video posted.

So David well done!!!

And Brent thanks again for spearheading these meetings. I’m sure all who have 
attended (past and present) feel the same way. We salute you!!!


Hey David I would love to get a copy of those various diagram slides you 
showed. It really made things so clear.

Full of appreciation,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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